Lytter på de magnetiske sangene til det motvillige idolet som pleier å nekte for at han har noe på hjertet, mens jeg pleier å nekte å høre p...

Lytter på de magnetiske sangene til det motvillige idolet som pleier å nekte for at han har noe på hjertet, mens jeg pleier å nekte å høre på det øret.

Han kan egentlig si hva han vil, jeg bryr meg ikke, budskap eller ei, denne her tok innersvingen på mitt lyriske jeg: Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin’ ship/ my senses have been stripped/my hands can’t feel to grip/my toes too numb to step/wait only for my boot heels to be wanderin'/I’m ready to go anywhere/I’m ready for to fade/ into my own parade/cast your dancing spell my way/ I promise to go under it.

Så er det hjemløsheten og krigsfrykten, det å ikke ha det bra, når hjertet blør, bringe det uhåndterligere på plass, for ettertiden: A question in your nerves is lit/ yet you know there is no answer fit/to satisfy, insure you not to quit/ to keep it in your mind and not forget/ that it is not he or she or them or it/that you belong to.

Kreativt møte mellom to som varter opp med hvert sitt mesterverk, lenge før selfiestanga; godt at filmkameraet var funnet opp! Leave your stepping stones behind/ something calls for you/ forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you/ the vagabond who’s rapping at your door/ is standing in the clothes that you once wore/strike another match, go start anew/and it’s all over now, Baby Blue.

En sang som kan løfte oss opp når det butter imot: May God bless and keep you always/may your wishes all come true/may you always do for others/and let others do for you/may you build a ladder to the stars/and climb on every rung/may you stay forever Young.
Yes, ’n’ how many years can some people exist before they’re allowed to be free? Yes, ’n’ how many times can a man turn his head pretending he just doesn’t see?

And when finally the bottom fell out/ I became withdrawn/ the only thing I knew how to do/ was to keep on keepin’ on/ like a bird that flew/ tangled up in blue.

You say you’re lookin' for someone/who’ll pick you up each time you fall, to gather flowers constantly/an’ to come each time you call/ a lover for your life an’ nothing more/ but it ain’t me, babe, no, no, no, it ain’t me, babe/ It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe

Your breath is sweet/your eyes are like two jewels in the sky/your back is straight/your hair is smooth on the pillow where you lie/ but I don’t sense affection/no gratitude or love/ your loyalty is not to me, but to the stars above.

Oh, sister, when I come to knock on your door/ don’t turn away, you’ll create sorrow/time is an ocean but it ends at the shore/you may not see me tomorrow.

Bob Dylans minnebok er på en måte også min: Dreams where the umbrella is folded/into the path you are hurled/ and the cards are no good that you’re holding/ unless they’re from another world.

BONUS: Det er tusenvis av tolkninger av Dylans sanger. Denne Alan Price-tolkingen er min favoritt:

SÅ KANSKJE ALT HANDLER OM HÅP?And where do you look for this hope that yer seekin'/ Where do you look for this lamp that's a-burnin'/ Where do you look for this oil well gushin'/ Where do you look for this candle that's glowin'/ Where do you look for this hope that you know is there/ And out there somewhere.
(Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, 1964).

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